Well, it has been a while. Over a year since we last blogged. Life has been on fast forward for us. As I am sure it has for many of you.
To catch up since last we blogged....
2010 was an amazing but hard year. Katherine started and finished Kindergarten. She loved her teacher as we did and didn't want it to end.
Ethel started and finished 3rd grade with the wonderful Ms. Skye (who she has again this year). Ethel has now decided she wants to be a teacher (along with photographer and clothing designer), I know this is attributed directly to Ms. Skyes' wonderful teaching.
Ruthie turned 2 and continued to do usual 2 year old things along with dictating our family.
Bella continued to grow and chew items around the house as well as dig HUGE holes in our backyard.
Pax kept on going at the Lottery as well as working with a friend in the construction/rem
odeling business on the side.
I did many caterings as well as helping out at the girls school.
Pappy came over for several dinners/birthdays/holidays and the girls started having an evening a month with him (aka-our date night).
My Mom passed away, and that was tough and derailed us for a long time. We are now back and ready to move forward-at a much slower pace.
We had wonderful meals and shared vacations with our friends and families during 2010.
2011....Well we are into April-almost halfway and here is a recap of 2011 thus far......
Katherine is in first grade-Loves school and says the only thing she needs is "more homework"!
She is reading, writing and doing math far beyond what a first grader should be learning at. She Loves to read and write and goes through journals like crazy. Katherine started playing the piano this year. That girl has some talent. She loves writing her own music, thankfully her teacher enjoys hearing it. At some point we will get a piano as soon as I figure out where to put it! Katherine continues to shred on her skateboard. She is so good it scares me at times. That child truly is fearless when it comes to sports activites. Pax takes her out and rides with her, I try to ask vague questions when they return as I never really want to know what he teachers her (someday she will ask me to take her and I will have to see for myself-I fear that day)!
Ethel is in 4th grade (same teacher as last year). She tells me fourth grade is her favorite (she says that about every year) although I think this year really might be her favorite. She had the honor of Co-hosting our talent show this year with a good friend of hers. Those two girls did wonderful. Of course she couldn't just host she had to do an act as well. She played her violin which is still one of her favorite things to do. No softball for Ethel this year as we decided to take spring off-she is however trying tennis in after school classes so maybe that will be something she pursues. She is still swimming and getting ready for the swim team this summer. She swims at my dad's pool. When we went last weekend she told me she was going to swim in the lane because she had to train! Ethel is still all about fashion, drama, singing and anything social. She is counting down the days until 6th grade (jr. high) as that is when she can join our student council. I believe in her mind everything up to that point is just practice for student council and speech!

Ruthie is now 3-I can hardly believe it. My little baby is gone. She is a full Toddler now. She will start preschool in the fall (the same one the girls went to, with the same teacher). Ruthie is so excited to go to school. I don't think she quite understands it isn't for 5 more months.
We spend our days going to art parks, ballet and music classes, library story times, running errands, playing house, babies and just giggling and snuggling together. I know I only have a short time left of these precious days. They go by so fast and then it will be on to new things. Some days it is so hard to transition from crayons, colors, shapes and fairy princesses to multiplication tables, speeches, science projects and preteen friendships.
If I have learned anything in the last year it has been that time truly is short, family is always supportive and true friends are to be kept close to your heart.
I have tried to stop time and it just doesn't work. Our lives where sped up and we feel as we missed some things. I have redirected and righted the ship if you will. Our time together as husband and wife, parents, children, and friends now takes on a different meaning. Our lives are staring to reflect this as well as time itself.
My mom used to drink coffee everyday (a lot of coffee), she would wake up and have a cup of coffee and just sit. Then she would get another cup and chat, when I was little it was with the neighbor who came over. As I got older it was with her friends on the phone, then it was with me on the phone or my Dad at the kitchen table.
Everyday, that is how she started her day. I never really got it. I used to see it as a waste of time, really it did take hours from her day. My mom was a pretty busy productive woman until her later older years. I get the importance of this now.
This "coffee" time was her way of slowing down the clock and doing what was really important to her. Her way of spending time each day with those she loved. Making each day fresh and giving her the courage to face the days challenges.
I like the idea of really being in that moment. My mom did this well when you talked to her, especially one on one. I am hoping some of that is somewhere in me.
Since I can't actually stop time, I can only choose to rush through those moments on an exterior level or cherish them and slow down and just be in those moments. 100% focused in the moment. That is were I want to be.
I want to snapshot every moment with my kids, friends, family and my husband. I want to remember those moment so clearly that I can recall the sounds and smells of that moment.
This is what we are experiencing in 2011. So far it has changed our relationships. With each other, our families (didn't expect that one), and our friendships.
I will let you know how our journey progresses (or regresses, just in case I have to right the ship once again).
If I stop and ask you for a cup of coffee know that your important to me and I just want to slow down and share some time with you.
The McBees
To catch up since last we blogged....
2010 was an amazing but hard year. Katherine started and finished Kindergarten. She loved her teacher as we did and didn't want it to end.
Ethel started and finished 3rd grade with the wonderful Ms. Skye (who she has again this year). Ethel has now decided she wants to be a teacher (along with photographer and clothing designer), I know this is attributed directly to Ms. Skyes' wonderful teaching.
Ruthie turned 2 and continued to do usual 2 year old things along with dictating our family.
Bella continued to grow and chew items around the house as well as dig HUGE holes in our backyard.
Pax kept on going at the Lottery as well as working with a friend in the construction/rem

I did many caterings as well as helping out at the girls school.
Pappy came over for several dinners/birthdays/holidays and the girls started having an evening a month with him (aka-our date night).
My Mom passed away, and that was tough and derailed us for a long time. We are now back and ready to move forward-at a much slower pace.
We had wonderful meals and shared vacations with our friends and families during 2010.
2011....Well we are into April-almost halfway and here is a recap of 2011 thus far......
Katherine is in first grade-Loves school and says the only thing she needs is "more homework"!
She is reading, writing and doing math far beyond what a first grader should be learning at. She Loves to read and write and goes through journals like crazy. Katherine started playing the piano this year. That girl has some talent. She loves writing her own music, thankfully her teacher enjoys hearing it. At some point we will get a piano as soon as I figure out where to put it! Katherine continues to shred on her skateboard. She is so good it scares me at times. That child truly is fearless when it comes to sports activites. Pax takes her out and rides with her, I try to ask vague questions when they return as I never really want to know what he teachers her (someday she will ask me to take her and I will have to see for myself-I fear that day)!
Ethel is in 4th grade (same teacher as last year). She tells me fourth grade is her favorite (she says that about every year) although I think this year really might be her favorite. She had the honor of Co-hosting our talent show this year with a good friend of hers. Those two girls did wonderful. Of course she couldn't just host she had to do an act as well. She played her violin which is still one of her favorite things to do. No softball for Ethel this year as we decided to take spring off-she is however trying tennis in after school classes so maybe that will be something she pursues. She is still swimming and getting ready for the swim team this summer. She swims at my dad's pool. When we went last weekend she told me she was going to swim in the lane because she had to train! Ethel is still all about fashion, drama, singing and anything social. She is counting down the days until 6th grade (jr. high) as that is when she can join our student council. I believe in her mind everything up to that point is just practice for student council and speech!
Ruthie is now 3-I can hardly believe it. My little baby is gone. She is a full Toddler now. She will start preschool in the fall (the same one the girls went to, with the same teacher). Ruthie is so excited to go to school. I don't think she quite understands it isn't for 5 more months.
We spend our days going to art parks, ballet and music classes, library story times, running errands, playing house, babies and just giggling and snuggling together. I know I only have a short time left of these precious days. They go by so fast and then it will be on to new things. Some days it is so hard to transition from crayons, colors, shapes and fairy princesses to multiplication tables, speeches, science projects and preteen friendships.
If I have learned anything in the last year it has been that time truly is short, family is always supportive and true friends are to be kept close to your heart.
I have tried to stop time and it just doesn't work. Our lives where sped up and we feel as we missed some things. I have redirected and righted the ship if you will. Our time together as husband and wife, parents, children, and friends now takes on a different meaning. Our lives are staring to reflect this as well as time itself.
My mom used to drink coffee everyday (a lot of coffee), she would wake up and have a cup of coffee and just sit. Then she would get another cup and chat, when I was little it was with the neighbor who came over. As I got older it was with her friends on the phone, then it was with me on the phone or my Dad at the kitchen table.
Everyday, that is how she started her day. I never really got it. I used to see it as a waste of time, really it did take hours from her day. My mom was a pretty busy productive woman until her later older years. I get the importance of this now.
This "coffee" time was her way of slowing down the clock and doing what was really important to her. Her way of spending time each day with those she loved. Making each day fresh and giving her the courage to face the days challenges.
I like the idea of really being in that moment. My mom did this well when you talked to her, especially one on one. I am hoping some of that is somewhere in me.
Since I can't actually stop time, I can only choose to rush through those moments on an exterior level or cherish them and slow down and just be in those moments. 100% focused in the moment. That is were I want to be.
I want to snapshot every moment with my kids, friends, family and my husband. I want to remember those moment so clearly that I can recall the sounds and smells of that moment.
I will let you know how our journey progresses (or regresses, just in case I have to right the ship once again).
If I stop and ask you for a cup of coffee know that your important to me and I just want to slow down and share some time with you.
The McBees