Wow, looks like we are on a once a month blogging schedule. That is so sad!
Here is the updates for March.
We are still waiting for Global warming to take affect. The sun wants to shine and it wants to be above 50 degrees so hopefully we will start to see a turn around in the next few weeks.
Our Lists for the year are coming very slowly. I think Ruthie might finish hers before all of us!
Ruthie's update......
I just got my 3rd little tooth on the bottom-yeah I can eat more food.
I still don't see the need for all of this crawling business when all I have to do is make a noise and the big one with all of the accessories comes with whatever I need. When she is not around (which is mostly during the daytime) the other one who is always singing starts to bring me her things and then yells for my Mommy who always knows what I want. So yah, why bother?
I am trying to socialize with my friends but it has been difficult because someone is always sick in this NW cold season. I hung with my friend Caden (not my bear) and my friend Jovi the other day. There is also that boy Ben who comes over (I like him, he is very funny but he always says GAH GAH when he talks to the singing girl. I try to tell him her name is KayKay but he just isn't getting it). I also had a playdate with my friend Maggie Dog AKA- AGGA. I get to have a sleepover at her house this
Check out the picture of me in that big bath tub, I am sooo cute! Mommy said now that I am almost 1 I get to take big girl baths like my sisters. The one with all the accessories she always wants me to take baths with her.
Daddy said he is getting my bike trailer ready-I don't really know what that means except that when he says that the singing one is always trying to get in there? That kid is always on something with wheels.
I LOVE to give kisses and wave BYE-BYE to anyone and anything. I heard something about a party for me coming up when I turn one. There is always something going on around her. Last week there where about 10 extra little girls here for the singing sisters birthday party-I heard it was pretty fun, I slept through the whole thing.
The sister with all of the accessories seems to be happy-she keeps getting more accessories, scarfs, necklaces, hats, shoes, whatever (she tries to put them on me but I just try to eat them and they don't taste very good). That girl is always playing her violin. It sounds so pretty. I clap when she is done. That's right, I can clap. I can do lots of stuff I just don't see the point in crawling.
So accessory sis keeps reading these books to me that are all about this Judy Moody girl. There is also this other girl named Mia, I think she might be an american girl or something. Anyway I wish she would just read me those books I like you know, snuggle puppy, barnyard dance, the one with the Grandma and the baby. I don't know why she wants to read those chapter thingies she likes.
She got some role in a play at her school. She is a mermaid and a villager. I don't really understand but mommy said I will when I see her on stage. I like her school-I can make all those Mommies act silly when they see me!
On to the singing roller derby sister.....Well, her school is still in what I refer to as my space (the kitchen table). Mommy says she is learning too fast and might have to skip kindergarten. Now not only is she singing all the time but she COUNTS loudly to 100 over and over! I do love that she eats all day long and all of the same foods I like so maybe we really are sisters? I spend a lot of time with her. She is pretty funny (Mommy and Daddy say that is just who she is-I love it)!
Mommy and Daddy are good. I think at night they spend time together, watching movies, reading, and talking. I can hear them when I pretend to be asleep. One night I went to bed and when I woke up the place where all of the food comes from was all BLUE like the sky! It is so pretty I love to eat in there.
I guess that is it. Oh Mommy and Daddy went on a date and we saw our friends Shae and Leah (Wendy and that silly guy..mmm oh yeah Doug). My rents checked out McMenemmins St. Johns pub. They said you should check it out. There Happy Hour is great (I think that is like my playgroup I go to, one hour where you are happy)? So Mommy has one off her list. We have a whole year to work on the rest. Once it warms up around here I think we get to do more stuff outside.
On KayKays birthday we went to the park. Well she really had a Birthday weekend (You know how my parents LOVE birthdays). She had a friend party on the 28th-remember 10 little princesses running around my house. On the 1st we had a little party at her friend Robins house-aka-Red Robin. My buddy AGGA (maggie's parents) Amy and Jono got to come too. All I remember is eating grilled cheese I stole from accessory sis when she wasn't looking (it was tasty). I have you ever been to Robin's house? It is crazy, your sitting there enjoying your grilled cheese than next thing you know there are these people singing and clapping and bringing you something sticky and cold you are suppose to eat? No wonder the singing sis likes it there so much!
That night we opened all these gifts-I liked to eat all the papers and ribbons and put things i
Rumor has it my Pappy is coming in a few weeks for my Birthday! I am hoping my Mimmie and Grandad come too. I havn't seen them in a long time. Mommy said something about Pappy m
OK I am so tired of all this writting stuff. It is time for lunch and then to go see my friend Caden Bear (He is my Bear who sleeps in my bed with me).
I hope you all are having a good last few weeks of Winter. Maybe we will see a few of you in the spring.
Enjoy life!
Love-The McBees